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Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 6:47 am
by Bruce Ballslap
Right after the post above I noticed differences between the picture and the actual unit under my fingers.

There are no Shift, Tab or Backspace texts printed on the corresponding keys. Must be due to the fact that this is a Finnish/Swedish layout.

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 3:07 am
by Dahzek
Great thread...

As mentioned before, I think the demand for a quiet keyboard/mouse is greater than one might think. For example, me and my gf live in a one room flat and at night the most annoying thing for the one trying to sleep (while the other is using the computer) is the clicking of the keyboard and mouse.

Btw, has anyone tried the Logitech DiNovo keyboard? I tried it in store (lots of ambient noise around) but it sounded pretty quiet to me. Downside is that I think it's part of a kit (keyboard/mouse) and cannot be bought's also pretty pricey.


Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 6:46 am
by nici
I smashed my UltraX with a srewdriver last week. Nothing wrong with the keyboard, i was just seriously pissed off... :evil: Anyway, my dad just so happended to have a review sample of the diNovo media desktop doing nothing so now im typing on a diNovo. Someone mentioned lag in the notebook diNovo thread(its not bluetooth) but i fan play FPS games no probs with this one :) It is more quiet than the UltraX but not by much, there are however a few things i find disturbing. The left shifkt key is seriously small, same size as the normal keys, and the delete button is twice the normal size with the insert button moved up on row and the scroll-lock button is removed. These are hopwever a minor nuisance, and will keep using this. After driver updates the media keys also work in WinAmp.

The best thing is i got the mouse closer to the keyboard, but i still have the numpad when i need it and the layout on they keyboard is standard apart fromt eh small things i mentioned above.

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 1:05 pm
by daba
It was me who mentioned lag but I may have just gotten a lemon, so I ended up returning the unit. I got a Kensington SlimType keyboard and it's quieter than the PSK5000 I purchase for my mother.

Why did you smash your UltraX?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 1:19 pm
by StarfishChris
nici wrote:I smashed my UltraX with a srewdriver last week. Nothing wrong with the keyboard, i was just seriously pissed off... :evil:
I guess it's better than trying to throw the whole computer out the window.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 9:06 am
by nici
I said i was pissed off didnt i.. :roll: It happens you know :wink:

Not to worry though, we have a soft lawn outside the window :lol: :roll:

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 3:27 pm
by daba
Wow. I have a friend in Finland that I plan on visiting... *makes a mental note never to talk to any "nici's" in Finland"

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 5:34 am
by nici
daba wrote:Wow. I have a friend in Finland that I plan on visiting... *makes a mental note never to talk to any "nici's" in Finland"
Are you perhaps suicidal? We are all agressive and extremely hostile people, and we have polar bears and wolves wandering around the streets just waiting to eat you up :lol: :roll:

Anyway, the keyboard is the least expensive thing i have on my table not counting an empty Pringles-can :lol: Or it was, the diNovo is more valuable.. I dont go around hitting things with a screwdriver as a hobby or anything, i just happened to have a screwdriver in my hand when hitting my keyboard :lol:

Oh and its perfectly safe to talk to me, though when i start talking i might not stop for several hours :lol:

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 5:42 am
by Seal
nici wrote:, i just happened to have a screwdriver in my hand when hitting my keyboard :lol:
lol! i suggest putting things down when you hit your keyboard, god forbid, what if you were holding a nice tft monitor in your hands at the time? it upsets me to think of what the consequences would be....

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 7:06 am
by Bruce Ballslap
I consider nici's behaviour rational and conventional.

Welcome to Finland.

UltraX USB variant

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 12:56 pm
by Sam Williams
Hi... Can anyone confirm the existence of the elusive USB variant of the UltraX keyboard? One poster has mentioned buying it, but I can't find it on sale anywhere.

I'd be very grateful for a link to a retailer - preferably in the UK, but I'll take one anywhere else - who carries it. My imminent system upgrade will render my PS/2 UltraX obsolete... Failing a bona fide USB variant, is there a widget I can stick on my UltraX's PS/2 connector to make it work with a USB port?

Thanks all!

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 5:06 am
by Techno Pride
Logitech Ultra-Flat Keyboard


Unfortunately we don't have the UltraX here where I live :cry:

But we have the Ultra-Flat, it's not a standard layout like the UltraX though. And it's a retail package. USB-native keyboard with a USB->PS2 convertor :roll:

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 5:07 pm
by zoob
I've had my UltraX for about a year, and my "S" is almost completely gone. I can see a very very faint shadow of it depending on the viewing angle and lighting. :roll:


Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 8:30 am
by lenny
zoob wrote:I've had my UltraX for about a year, and my "S" is almost completely gone. I can see a very very faint shadow of it depending on the viewing angle and lighting. :roll:
They charge extra for that you know...

My UltraX's left shift key is starting to stick. Didn't realize I use it that much.

Edit: Use WASD a lot? :-)

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 12:02 pm
by One
I got my 3rd Ultra-X a couple weeks ago, it is Ultra-X Media Keyboard that was recently released (2005-11-03).

If I would rate my 3 keyboards for silence it would be this:

Score _________________________ (Purchase date)

92/100 Ultra-X Media Keyboard USB (November 2005)

90/100 Ultra-X Flat Keyboard PS/2 (September 2004)

81/100 Ultra-X Flat Keyboard PS/2 (March 2005)

The quieter it is the more stickier/heavier the buttons feel, I need to use more force to press down the keys and it feels annoying. So I use the loudest keyboard for gaming where I need a faster reaction time.

The Ultra-X Media Keyboard USB doesn't have as good tactile feedback as the older ones, and the quick launch buttons are MUCH harder to press down. I don't like this keyboard even when it's much quieter.