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Silent X2 3800+ w/ Windows x64

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 3:43 pm
by eckre

Well, I guess I should show off my computer. I finally got it pretty silent, well inaudable is a better word. :D

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 3:58 pm
by Trip
I'm getting one of those keyboards (Saitek or Logitech) =))

That one pic looks like the HS won't allow for a Graphics card. Prob just the angle.

What do you think of Dual core performance?

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 4:21 pm
by Badger
eckre wrote:Cases not to consider: Antec Sonata I or II - These are NOT silent cases, they are very loud, and not designed very well. Do not get one of these and think you can go silent, you can get quiet, but NOT Silent.
Antec cases like the Sonata I & II are pretty similiar to Antec's other cases, like the 3700BQE, and trust me, you can make them silent.

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 5:17 pm
by Trip
Wrong thread?

(He's showing his system off)

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 5:23 pm
by Badger
No, it's in his link.

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 6:12 pm
by Trip
I see now, you were quoting him in the emboldened text.

Re: Silent X2 3800+ w/ Windows x64

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 8:07 pm
by Erssa
eckre wrote:

Well, I guess I should show off my computer. I finally got it pretty silent, well inaudable is a better word. :D
eckre wrote:Well, I finally did it. I don't think it can get much more quiet than this. If in a silent room, you breath out, as slowly as you can, just to the point it's barley audible, that's how loud my computer is. It's great, if I turn off the monitor, others always come in the room, and turn on the computer (that's already on). If you walk into the room, and are wondering if the computer is on, you have to stop moving entirely, and sit there silently and perk up your ears, and listen for a few seconds, and then you can just glance over at the light, and verify it's on. It's great, I love it. Silent, fast, powerful, it's great. I have no stability issues & no heat issues.
Liar! :) Actually your build is pretty similar to mine, except that mine is probably a bit more quiet then yours :). I don't have any add on cards, even my graphics is IGP, so my system uses less power and therefore has a smaller heat output, wich can be seen as slower rpm on the PSU, although I believe both of our systems are near minimum rpm when idle. My HDD is also suspended and it is inaudible because the case fan and power supply fan make more noise then it does.

I'm pretty sure your system is silent, but maybe there is a hint of exaggeration in your article. Less superlatives would be fine :).There is always room for improvement. One upgrade the I could think is swapping the PSU to Seasonic s12, but I doubt it is worth the trouble/money. If the minimum rpm of the seasonic fan controller won't be enough to keep the case cooled, it will soon ramp up to the numbers of nexus. I haven't tried to lower the voltage of the bottom fan, but I guess the thermal efficiency won't hurt too much even, if its rpms are dropped a bit.
You seem to have done your research well and have picked some nice parts for the system. I'm pretty sure your system is silent, but there is a hint of exaggeration in your article. Nobody at SPCR will believe your system is inaudible when you have a case fan running at full speed, even if it's a nexus. Less superlatives would do just fine :)

You should probably tweak your update list aswell. I wouldn't count DDR2 as an option for memory upgrade :), since the memory controller in AMD is based in the cpu, you won't be able to switch to DDR2 without changing the cpu itself. When AMD will iplement DDR2, it will come in the form of different socket, so you won't be able to use DDR2 without changing your motherboard and your cpu.

What kind of cpu temps are you getting with that cooler? My x2 3800+ is cooled with a zalman 7000b-alcu running at 1650rpm, so it's almost 5v. Idle temp is 48c. I'd be interested to know how much lower temps you have since you are using AS5 and 7700cu that should be pretty similar to my heatsink, also you are currently the only other Nexus Breeze owner on these forums besides me and we have the same CPU.

Btw that 24" monitor is a monster :)

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 2:56 pm
by mrochester
My x2 3800+ is cooled with a zalman 7000b-alcu running at 1650rpm, so it's almost 5v. Idle temp is 48c
Have you tried undervolting your processor? My 3800+ runs at stock speed with a permanent 1.1volts.

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 3:25 pm
by Erssa
Don't want to hijack this thread, but no. My bios doens't have any voltage options.

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 4:21 pm
by mrochester
That's a pity... I'll be using that motherboard to build a dual-core system with a 3800+ for a friend and I was hoping to lower the voltage the same as I had done on my Asus ASN-SLI Premium.

Re: Silent X2 3800+ w/ Windows x64

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 2:19 pm
by Vulcan
eckre wrote:

Well, I guess I should show off my computer. I finally got it pretty silent, well inaudable is a better word. :D
nice monitor :P~~~~

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 11:42 pm
by maxxpehling
I never post these forums, and more then likely I won't ever :P but I had to register to reply for this post. You spent all this effort to make a pc silent just so you could get the loudest possible speakers you could :D