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P182 rear vent

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 6:23 pm
by fnwtmp
Does anyone find that the noise from the back of the p182 is quite loud? I've got a Nexus fan mounted on rubber thingoes on the rear vent, and I think because the fan is pressed right up against the grille, its creating a large amount of turbulence noise.

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 6:54 pm
by Vicotnik
I have a Nexus fan there, mounted with silicone fan mounts and it's very quiet. But the fan is undervolted quite a bit.

You could always cut away the grille. I haven't done that yet, but I know that many P18X owners do.

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 10:32 pm
by thejamppa
Cutting the back grille from back and blocking top went were best things I did on my P182 ^^ With good pliers cutting rear grille takes about 5 mins.

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 5:53 pm
by sandman7777
I just joined but been cruising these forums for a while now i just build a system with the P-180 and I have another system with the P-182 and my high temps in case are 21c to 24c and ambiant is 68f with the mobo running 35c and the cpu like 27c at idle both cases I have yet to try blocking off the top blow hole. This p-180 has the Sythe 1200 rpm fans in the lower chamber moved to the front of the HD bay and the middle front and on the middle HD cack of the HD cage and both of the tri-cools are on the back and top of the case for now i might be changing them alo in the future but i miss the sice fan that the old coolermaster case had which i think is part of good motherboard cooling. I love these cases.

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 6:52 am
by Metalica77
I also cut out the back of my P180, i put a 1600 RPM Scythe with those rubbery things and it's not as loud as i expected.

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 2:57 pm
by sandman7777
I have just took the lower two optical drive covers off and drilled 3/16 holes in the covers and put them back on to get more intake air flow and it lowered the mobo temps 2 degrees going to add a 80mm tri-cool in the slot under my two optical drives for more intake pressure which I think will keep this case cool come hotter summer ambient temps but my case is running pretty cool now. I am also going to add some kind of filter material to the lower optical bay intakes in the future to keep the dust out with tow cats and a dog in the house. Good luck with all your case mods.

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 5:12 pm
by Vicotnik
sandman7777: That sounds somewhat excessive. With "normal" components you shouldn't have to to anything like that. Some P18X owners use only a single 120mm fan at low RPM to cool the upper compartment. I use two but I'm thinking about cutting away the back grille and blocking the top went like thejamppa. Only waiting for my 800RPM Slipstream to arrive first.

Obsessing about low temps is not good. Makes things less quiet. :wink:

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 4:51 pm
by sandman7777
Yes it might be but know more than some of the people that overclock to no end. I like my case cool and quite and I am sitting 3 feet from it right now and it is hard to hear it over the rest of the noise in the house and it keeps the mobo 32c or under anytime of the summer. I just added filter material to the back side of the optical drive slots to filter dust out. Plus I am trying a duct on the blow hole fan that extends back 8 inches along the top of the case to move the intake for this fan away from the back fan just to see if it makes a difference in any temps. Yes I am a fanatic if the name fits wear it but it is only this one case that i fiddle with i have another P-182 Gun Metal Black, that I do not touch and a 3000B Antec that is not touched either. Thanks for your concern and have a nice Holiday.