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Silverstone Strider Titanium series announced

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 8:08 am
by CA_Steve
600W, 700W, and 800W models. No pricing or availability info, yet. 150mm long and modular design. 120mm fan profile in the marketing graph vaguely shows 700rpm to 50% load and then ramps to 960rpm at 100%.

Re: Silverstone Strider Titanium series announced

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 10:15 am
by lodestar
Silverstone currently make one of the lower cost Platinum units on the UK market, the 550w Strider SST-ST55F-PT at only £83 from my local supplier. It will be interesting to see what the retail prices are for the Titanium units. These Striders seem to be a bit overlooked by those looking for a smaller PSU. It would help if Silverstone would offer a longer warranty than 3 years. I also note that Silverstone supply the accessory SST-PP05-E Short Cable set of flat flexible cables for these fully modular units, at a very reasonable price of only £20.

Re: Silverstone Strider Titanium series announced

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 11:09 am
by edh
150mm depth for a PSU of this power is unusual too. Most of them are 160mm+. Wonder who the OEM is as Silverstone appear to chop and change OEMs on different products. Their current fanless offerings are rebadged Seasonics for example.

Re: Silverstone Strider Titanium series announced

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 1:57 am
by quest_for_silence
edh wrote:Wonder who the OEM is
Unfortunately it's Sirtec.

Re: Silverstone Strider Titanium series announced

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 3:27 pm
by lodestar
These units can now be pre-ordered at my local PC store. UK prices are £114 for the 600w unit, £120 for the 700w and £140 for the 800w. Dimensions are confirmed as 150 x 86 x 150 mm. I understand the OEM is Enhance. The 600w is currently the cheapest Titanium PSU on the UK market. The 700w is competitively priced against potential alternatives such as the 750w Seasonic Gold X-Series and the EVGA P2 Platinum 750w. I note from the product page for the 600w for example that Silverstone have opted for a constantly running 120mm fan starting at around 650 rpm and rising to around 1000 rpm at full load rather than semi-passive operation or a semi-passive option.

Re: Silverstone Strider Titanium series announced

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 6:20 am
by Behemot
The OEM is Sirtec. I don't see any problem with this, however, these units will definitelly not be the best there will be in 2016. Fan running at 650 to 1000 is not bad, but there will be many semi-fanless units. And the worst thing of all, only 3y warranty.

Everybody is telling Silverstone constantly, yet they continue this nonsense. With Seasonic announcing 80+ Titanium units starting at 400 W and 10y warranty, others also having 7-10 years scheduled, Silverstone only has the advantage of being first with so low-power units with such efficiency. But as usually, while they may be first, when the competition comes, Silverstone will be put on second rail. They usually don't even cut the price so at that moment most people stop buying those…

Re: Silverstone Strider Titanium series announced

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 2:44 am
by bastiaan
Maybe so, but someone has to be the first and Silverstone is here now, while the others are still busy announcing things. So kudos to Silverstone.

Re: Silverstone Strider Titanium series announced

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 2:53 am
by Behemot
Frankly, I would myself not buy that even if it had 80+ latinum cert. For that price you can get 400W Seasonic Platinum fanless with 7y warranty, so with bad luck, you may have to buy that SS twice in the time when you are secured and insured using that Seasonic. The thing is, as PSUs are getting complicated, more often than would be good one of hundred SMD components fail (or anything similar) rendering such unit a brick. Or it starts coil-whining, fan goes bad etc.

Re: Silverstone Strider Titanium series announced

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 3:29 am
by quest_for_silence
bastiaan wrote:but someone has to be the first and Silverstone is here now

Though a bit too late (about three months before Seasonic and others).

Re: Silverstone Strider Titanium series announced

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 6:44 am
by edh
Behemot wrote:For that price you can get 400W Seasonic Platinum fanless with 7y warranty, so with bad luck, you may have to buy that SS twice in the time when you are secured and insured using that Seasonic.
Warranty length is not an indicator of life expectancy though. I have had plenty of old PSUs that have been sold initially with much shorter warranties and have gone on for a decade plus. Even if a PSU did fail just at the end of its warranty it's wrong to think that the same quality of PSU would still be available for the same money as when you started. That money that you saved initially could also have earnt you interest in the same time as well.

Re: Silverstone Strider Titanium series announced

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 8:26 am
by Behemot
I never said that. However what I said is modern units are getting too complicated - which is exactly that. So why you compare old simple units? I got plenty of those and 95 % of them can be repaired just by swapping bloated caps for qualtiy ones. But I am no longer able to repair the modern units!!

Besides, tell that to those whose units failed 1-2 year after 3-5y warranty period. I got one person asking to repair such every month. With long warranty you have nothing to worry about. With 3y it may survive 10, or it may survive 3 years and a day. Do you want to risk it? I never and that's exactly what I tell my customers and readers. Full warranty is the only thing you can relly on.

Re: Silverstone Strider Titanium series announced

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 5:01 am
by bastiaan
The first reviews are in. Johnnyguru has a review of the 600W unit and Hexus has one of the 800W unit.

Re: Silverstone Strider Titanium series announced

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 10:03 am
by Behemot
I got preview out and working on the full article, almost :D

Re: Silverstone Strider Titanium series announced

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 1:03 pm
by quest_for_silence
Behemot wrote:I got preview out and working on the full article, almost :D
We're waiting for the be quiet L9 too since a while. :wink:

Re: Silverstone Strider Titanium series announced

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 1:29 pm
by Behemot
There was a problem with the unit, but I have been warned about such possibility in advance. I got second unit just yesterday, if it works better, than OK, if the same, well…I'll call the series flawed.