Steam Deck vs Asus ROG Ally

Which is the best console?

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When Valve unveiled the Steam Deck during the summer of 2021, the notion of a handheld gaming PC wasn’t entirely groundbreaking. Nevertheless, it marked a new era of handheld gaming and what set it apart was its sensible pricing. The Steam Deck officially hit the market in 2022, drawing substantial attention within the handheld console domain. Now, it faces a substantial contender: the Asus ROG Ally.

At a glance, Asus seems to have entered the scene as a highly promising Steam Deck substitute. The ROG Ally flaunts notably superior specifications, a smoother display, and the advantage of running on native Windows 11.But here’s the kicker – does Asus have what it takes to charm the Steam Deck crowd? Let’s dive in and compare what these two powerhouses bring to the table.

Steam Deck vs. Asus ROG Ally: A Performance Comparison

Let’s talk power. When it comes to performance, the ASUS ROG Ally holds a clear upper hand over the Steam Deck. How? Well, the ROG Ally is loaded with an AMD Ryzen Z1 Extreme, flaunting a whopping eight cores and sixteen threads.

Now, you might be wondering, what’s the fuss about core and thread counts? Simply put, they determine how swiftly your device can crunch data and juggle multiple tasks. And this directly translates to smoother gameplay and overall performance that hits the sweet spot.

Now, let’s swing our gaze to the Steam Deck. Here, we find an AMD Zen 2 processor, packing four cores and eight threads. Impressive, no doubt, but it trails a bit when we’re talking pure computing muscle. Still, the Steam Deck’s AMD Zen 2 processor has been carefully tinkered to go hand-in-hand with Valve’s SteamOS.

But that’s not all. The ASUS ROG Ally doesn’t stop at the CPU. It also flexes its GPU muscles, boasting a 2.7GHz clock speed. In comparison, the Steam Deck’s GPU clock speed hums along at 1.6GHz. Now, why does this matter? Well, the clock speed of a GPU is like its engine revs. The higher it goes, the more graphical oomph it can churn out.

So, when it comes to raw power, the ASUS ROG Ally takes the lead. But remember, it’s not just about numbers – it’s about how these numbers dance together to provide the absolute best performance.

Steam Deck vs Asus ROG Ally: Pricing And Availability

Let’s talk money – after all, every gamer’s favorite subject. When it comes to pricing and where you can actually get your hands on these devices, there are some intriguing differences.

Starting with the Steam Deck, it’s a Valve show all the way. This means you can get one directly from Valve’s own storefront. The wallet-friendly entry point begins at $399, giving you the base model equipped with 64GB of eMMC storage. A bit more juice lands you the $529 variant, armed with a roomy 256GB SSD for your gaming arsenal. And if you’re eyeing the pinnacle of handheld gaming luxury, the $649 top-tier model rocks a generous 512GB SSD. Both these pricier picks sweeten the deal with a nifty carrying case included.

Now, let’s switch gears to the Asus ROG Ally. It made its grand entrance on June 13, and if you’re keen on grabbing one, you’ll need to head over to Best Buy if you’re in the U.S. On launch, you’ll be looking at shelling out $700 for the entry model, kitted out with an AMD Ryzen Z1 Extreme chip and a robust 512GB SSD. But here’s the twist – a more wallet-friendly variant is on the horizon. Later this year, a lower-end version featuring a standard Ryzen Z1 processor and 256GB of storage will hit the shelves, tagged at $600.

ASUS ROG Ally vs. Steam Deck: Display Comparison

Let’s dive into the world of visuals, where both the ASUS ROG Ally and the Steam Deck vie for your attention. Both come with a seven-inch display. But resolution and display type is where things change.

ASUS steps up its game with a 1920×1080 resolution on the ROG Ally, outshining the 1280×800 panel on the Steam Deck. What does this mean for you? The higher resolution on the Ally translates into crisper, more detailed graphics that pop right off the screen while you’re gaming.

Now, let’s shift gears and talk about frame rates – the heartbeat of your visual experience. It’s all about how many images dance across your screen per second. And in this race, the ROG Ally triumphs. Its 120Hz panel surges ahead, treating you to a buttery-smooth visual ride. In contrast, the Steam Deck’s 60Hz panel, though respectable, stands no chance against this visual powerhouse.

So, when it comes to visuals, the ASUS ROG Ally steals the spotlight with its higher resolution and double-the-fun frame rate. Your eyes are in for a treat, but you’d be paying a price premium of 700 dollars.

Steam Deck vs Asus ROG Ally: Controls and Design

Now, let’s size up the design and controls of these contenders. In terms of design, here’s the lowdown – while the Asus ROG Ally doesn’t stretch out as wide as the Steam Deck at its thickest point, they’re pretty close in size overall. You’re looking at a ballpark difference of around 80 grams in weight, tipping the scales slightly in favor of the ROG Ally when it comes to portability.

So, what’s the driving force behind this size variance? It all boils down to controls. The Steam Deck spices things up with small touchpads flanking the screen, on both sides. These nifty touchpads can step in for analog sticks in specific games, bringing precision to the party. However, they occupy a fair bit of real estate, contributing to the Steam Deck’s broader profile.

The layout on both devices is akin to the Xbox setup. Think two analog sticks, the D-pad, your trusty ABXY button squad, and a pair of shoulder triggers plus buttons. There’s a subtle distinction, though. Sneak a peek around the back, and you’ll spot an extra set of customizable buttons on the Steam Deck, giving you a total of four. In contrast, the Asus ROG Ally sports two. Not to be forgotten are the familiar Xbox-style view, menu buttons, and two extra buttons for navigation or quick access.

In Summary

That pretty much wraps up our comparison between the Asus ROG Ally and the Steam Deck. Both are excellent gaming handhelds. The Steam Deck goes for the a cheaper price-point and provides an extensive gaming library on a Linux based OS while the ROG Ally caters to performance enthusiasts, albeit at a higher price-point.

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