FYI: My Antec P182 case had bonus 120mm fans.

Enclosures and acoustic damping to help quiet them.

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FYI: My Antec P182 case had bonus 120mm fans.

Post by GreatScot » Sat Sep 20, 2008 1:35 pm

Hi folks.

Took a look through the search engine on the forum, can't see that it's been mentioned much, so here's what just happened to me:

Got my brand-spanking-new P182 case the day before yesterday, and in the top were 3x 120mm fans in cases. "Odd," I thought, "I had assumed the 3 fans included would be installed". Oh, well. Then I read the paper that was taped to them.

It seems that a batch of Tri-Cool fans were slightly defective, and this was only discovered after the systems were made. Rather than testing to see which were defective, they simply pitched 3x brand new, tested, 120mm Tri-Cools into the top.

The defect is apparently that the fans wouldn't start up at low speed. The paper says nothing about medium or high speeds. Haven't had a chance to test it yet as I haven't had a chance to build the system... but even if they only work on medium/high speed, I'm pretty sure I can find a use for them.

Effective customer service, I'd say... If they'll fix a known issue by giving you freebies, rather than waste their time and money testing all units already produced... I'd purchase from the company again.

Perhaps this is an issue everybody knows about already... if not, thought I'd share the info.



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Post by m0002a » Sat Sep 20, 2008 4:37 pm

Antec cases are very popular on this forum, but most people repalce the Tri-Cool fans with something that is quieter. I find they are OK at low speed, but if that was not enough air then I would replace them with something else.

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Post by thejamppa » Sun Sep 21, 2008 12:27 am

Yeah, there was unfortunate issue with single tri-cool patch, which meant that fans would not spin on low position. Antec supplies with P182's that were made during the patch a verified and tested fans with the case.

Very nice for the antec peoples to do that ^^... Even though majority of SPCR'ians will change fans into quieter like Nexus, Scythe Slipstreams Noctua's etc...

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Post by nomoon » Sun Sep 21, 2008 10:35 am

You might want to test your fans before you install the motherboard. I doubt that you'll be able to replace them without removing the motherboard. FYI, I thought that the Tricools running at Low speed were too loud, so I replaced all of them in my classic P180.


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Post by Fozters » Sun Sep 28, 2008 12:52 pm

Oh..that's why there was three extra fans..nicely done by antec :) ..paper?..what..where ;)

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Post by KlaymenDK » Mon Sep 29, 2008 4:13 am

FYI, my new 182 (non-SE) came with only the normal built-in fans; however it seems that the settings for the back exhaust fan are actually "low-high-high". :-/ The others are okay.

No matter, since I've already bought a separate set of fans, Nexus D12SL-12 ones (if Nexus had specified that the packs include soft-mounting grommets, I wouldn't have bought them extra and ended up with spares :roll: ... anyone need 12 earplugs? :wink:)

How curious, by the way, that the bottom-bay fan mount clip and the front-mid fan mount clip are ever so slightly different; strange that they didn't make them identical and saved a die.

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problem with tricool fan in a solo

Post by mtp » Wed Oct 01, 2008 12:55 am

I purchased a solo (my second) about a month ago. The tricool fan that came with it works properly for the first 30 minute to 2 hours (at low speed), then speeds up significantly. I thought it switched to max speed, but it tutns out to be just under as switching to max speed results in a just decernable speed increase.

I brought the fan back to the dealer (out of the case), but the dealer said that I would have to return the whole case (and wait for antec to deal with it - they estimated 4 to 6 weeks). So, I just replaced the fan with a spare that I had leftover from a previous build.

Not sure if the problem lies with the dealer or Antec - testing probably would not have caught the problem, but the follow up service could have been better.

Overall, I am extremely happy with my 2 solos.


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