Judging the thermal interface (TIM)

Cooling Processors quietly

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Judging the thermal interface (TIM)

Post by SpyderCat » Fri Mar 21, 2003 5:57 am


ASUS A7V333 board
AMD Athlon 1800+ (Palomino)
Folding@Home running
ASUS Probe (taking samples every second)

Exploring any facts regarding the cooling of my PC I noticed something interesting.
I have this PC running the Folding@Home program, and this program is calculating Work Units (WU), which are divided in much smaller frames.
When a frame is finished, there is a short period where the CPU isn't loaded. Working on a frame the CPU has 100% load. See picture


As far as I can see the 100% load falls off for 2 seconds.
I noticed this while observing the real-time screen of ASUS-Probe set to take a sample every second.
I've put the readings in this Excel graph.


The blue line represents the CPU-temp switching frames, and purple line represents the CPU-temp when the whole WU is finished.

# I see the CPU cool down from 58* to 50* in only 2 seconds.
# At the end of a WU, I see that the cooling down slows down at 49*, and to me that is an indication
that the heatsink has a temp. of 49* when the CPU has a temp. of 58*.
# I think we can only compare readings from CPU's with a comparable dye (SP?) size.
# I think this graph gives an indication how well the thermal interface does it's job.

Comments ?
Would anyone with an Athlon XP CPU care to take similar readings ?

Regards, Han.

(Addicted to the cooling/silencing problem :D )

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