Cheapo way to silence my CM Cosmos 1000

Enclosures and acoustic damping to help quiet them.

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Cheapo way to silence my CM Cosmos 1000

Post by probey » Sun Aug 15, 2010 2:51 pm

For ppl like me who don't have $ to buy soundproofing material like AcousticPack or don't have the talent to do hdd suspension (i read those posts, they look really complicated to me :P), here is a cheapo way to silence your cosmos 1000.

First of all, you need to identify where the noise comes from. The noise usually comes in the from of a low humming noise (or resonance). Use the back of ur hand to feel if the front door or side panel is vibrating. If they are, the following might help:

What you need:
1. 10 to 15 mins
2. sponge rubber tape, can be found at home depot for less than $5:
3. scissors

Silencing front door:
1. cut segments of tapes, stick them on both sides of the door, around all magnets
2. the door may not close well for the first time, u can close ur door after applying some pressure on it, and the tape will get thinner as time goes by

Silencing hdd drawers:
1. remove all unused drawers
2. remove screws for all used drawers
3. put a tape horizontally on top of the hdd rack, where the screw holes are:
4. push the drawers back firmly against the sponge tape such that the tape got squeezed out from the screw holes of the drawer:

Now you are done! Use the back of ur hand to feel the front door and the side panel again, you should notice less vibration (and less noise as well).

If you hear the humming noise again, just tear the tapes off and re-apply. Again, it may not be as good as using soundproofing material and hdd suspension, but the main advantage is ---> it is freaking cheap and easy to do :D

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