New PC Build - looking for advice

Enclosures and acoustic damping to help quiet them.

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New PC Build - looking for advice

Post by sleepies » Mon Sep 05, 2011 8:05 pm

Hello folks - this is my first post here.

I'm looking to build a PC sometime soonish. Have built a few PCs before - nothing fancy, mostly relatively fast Windows-based gaming machines. They've been mildly overclocked, and air cooled. Current build is in an Antec 900 case. The case is great - meets my needs. What I'm not happy with is the amount of noise it makes. I'd like something that is much less noisy for my next build.

I've posted a few questions related to noise on eggxpert, with no responses except to check here.

After looking around a bit - leaning towards an Antec P183 v3, and Antec's larger form factor power supply (CP-850 or CP-1000, depending on the rest of the build - likely the 850).

I'd like to the "dual video card" option open. The following is a link to my post on eggxpert:

Question is this: any comments on this case/PSU combo for a quiet gaming solution, or suggestions for other cases that maybe I should be looking at?

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Re: New PC Build - looking for advice

Post by starsky » Fri Sep 09, 2011 4:39 pm

Are you sure the case is your noise issue?
My money for noise would be on the video card fans, and maybe the case fans.
And maybe the CPU fan. What fans have you got?

I would be tempted to keep the case, and take some time isolating what is causing your noise, and see what you can do to get quieter comopnents to fix those issues.

I always focus on fan noise. Case, PSU, CPU and Video Card fans. Video cards are usually the hardest to quieten, so having two of them is going to limit your silence.

A little bit of time researching now up front will save you heaps of disappointment down the road.

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Re: New PC Build - looking for advice

Post by sleepies » Sat Sep 10, 2011 7:18 am

The whole rig is noisey :D. Kinda hard for the case itself to make noise (at least I wouldn't expect that from antec).

The old PC isn't going anywhere - so the 900 is spoken for. Im looking to build a new gaming machine to last for the next 4 to 5 years. Thinking ivybridge, x79, a newer video card (read recently that nvidias new range of cards will be out soon), ssds in a raid configuration, maybe windows 8, etc. I'm kinda hoping the dual gpu video cards become popular (meaning efficient, relatively inexpensive, coolish, etc), and I can run two of them.

What I haven't done before is: build a quiet gamer. Airflow has been a priority - which has meant noisey, for me at least. Looking to plan this thing out starting with a quiet case/psu, that won't require much modding, and cools mostly on air (have been considering one of those 'all in one' CPU water cooling kits, assuming its quiet and the case can handle it). This is leading me to a few cases - raven 2, maybe corsair 800 (if I change course and go full water), etc. Antecs 183 seems like a nice solution for me - good size, quiet, takes those nice psus from antec, etc. Not sure about cooling a pair of higher end cards in it though.

Was hoping for general opinions, insights, advice on this case, or maybe suggestions for a similar case.


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