What happened to cpemma & http://www.cpemma.co.uk ??

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Post by psiu » Mon Dec 21, 2009 6:01 pm

Dang, don't know much about him but his web persona was certainly knowledgeable and helpful.

RIP cpemma

one thing I did see when looking earlier was he had a blurb about his user name--referencing CP/M, I think he said it was the best OS ever :D Worth a smile I figure.

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Post by reddyuday » Sat Dec 26, 2009 4:56 am

The first microcomputer I ever used had the CP/M operating system and Microsoft Fortran & Basic compilers. All of them were excellent products. They fit into something like 12KB memory so that there was enough space left over to hold user programs in a 16KB machine.

The story is that the IBM guys didn't know that Gary Kildall made CP/M. They thought Bill Gates did. They went and asked him if would be willing to license CP/M. Bill Gates apparently told them he only made the compilers that ran on top of CP/M and gave them Gary Kildall's address and phone number (in a proverbial last act of kindness, they say). But Kildall was making enough money selling copies of CP/M and he couldn't be bothered to meet the IBM guys. So, they went back to Bill Gates and asked him if he could make a CP/M for them. He said "of course," and, with that, ended up stealing all of IBM's monopoly on the computer industry.


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Post by high5 » Tue Jan 05, 2010 12:24 pm


R.I.P. cpemma

It might be a little late, but I'm willing to offer a hand in restoration of cpemma's website if necessary.

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