Need help deciding which parts to buy - $200-400 upgrade

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Need help deciding which parts to buy - $200-400 upgrade

Post by godbreath » Fri Jan 15, 2010 11:28 am

So, after just under 2 years, my desktop died, the motherboard would not post at all, and on top of that, my motherboard has a 2 year warranty, but starting from the date of manufacture, so I just missed it. Anyways, I bought the motherboard using american express(which provides an extra year of warranty), and they said they will probably refund me the whole $175 i paid for my abit ip35-pro. I don't think I want to spend that money on old tech (core 2 duo's) and would much rather build a new computer using as much as I can from my old computer.

This is my old computer right now: The stuff in bold is what im looking to reuse
CPU: E8400 (hoping to sell on ebay for around $100)
CPU cooler: ninja scythe (can I reuse this on the new core i5/i7?)
Motherboard: IP 35-pro (dead)
Ram: 2x1 Crucial DDR2 (can't reuse these)
Video Card: 8800gt evga (pretty sure I can reuse it, but I want a new one)
Video Card Cooler: Accerelo S1 (definitely want to reuse this)
PSU: Antec Neohe 550 (going to reuse)
Case: Antec Solo (going to reuse)

So as of now, I need to buy a new CPU, Motherboard, and video card. I have not been keeping up with computer news for the past 6 months or so, but I do know that the new core look promising. I also want a computer that can be cooled actively with 3 5v yates - one on the gfx card, one on the cpu, and one exhaust (what i'm doing now). That being said, which core cpu and graphics card should I be looking at? Thanks

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