Asus A8v delux Q-fan

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Asus A8v delux Q-fan

Post by benx » Sun Sep 24, 2006 5:40 am

asus a8v delux bios 1017
amd 3500 venice

I found out using speedfan that my cpu fan is quiet at 1000rpm, however speedfan is causing bluescreens on my system, so i started using Q-fan so the mobo would change the fan speeds.

Q-fan options are 11/16 12/16 13/16 14/16 15/16

my fan is max 1950 RPM when i select 11/16 the fan runs at 1300 rpm, this is not quiet enuff for my system, idle temps are 35C with 1300 rpm, is there a way to make Q-fan take 9/16 this would make my fan run at 1000rpm.

i am using bios 1017.

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