Seroquel 50 mg

PSUs: The source of DC power for all components in the PC & often a big noise source.

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Seroquel 50 mg

Post by hozer2k » Fri Dec 01, 2006 10:31 pm

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Last edited by hozer2k on Thu Apr 22, 2010 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by gb115b » Sat Dec 02, 2006 12:40 am

is the buzzing noticeable when mounted?

my 600W and 650W seasonic PSUs don't seem to buzz, with a very quiet idle noise....

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Post by rei » Sat Dec 02, 2006 12:56 am

i tested with 2 psus (1 seasonic, 1 antec neohe) 3 mobos, 3 video cards last year and it's sometimes a bad combination since the psu will be quiet with some video cards (when 3d kicks in) + mobos and not others.

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Post by hozer2k » Sat Dec 02, 2006 7:52 am

Come to think of it...I didnt notice anything with the onboard video. It was only until I installed the vid card that I started to have a probel...even though the power supply was still outside of the case. Any idea why that is? What can I do about it???

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Post by hulubei » Sat Dec 02, 2006 1:00 pm

We can't tell you nothing for sure until you post the specs of the PC you've tested. We don't even know for sure what PSU you owned.

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Re: Seasonic S-12 no good...whats next best option

Post by merlin » Sat Dec 02, 2006 1:39 pm

hozer2k wrote:I got the S-12, 380W and while the fan is very quiet...the darn thing buzzes! I had it out of the case while troubleshooting and it was quite evident this was the source. Some other members seem to have the same issue.

Sooo...I just want something of comparable quietness, probably in the 300W or so range should be good, I dont need too much power.
Uh, I don't follow why you haven't contacted seasonic support or returned/replaced the psu with a new one. Buzzing is basically a minor defect that occurs sometimes. Now if you say that you've tried 3 of the same psu and gotten buzzing on all of them, that's a seperate issue.

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Post by ultrachrome » Sat Dec 02, 2006 1:46 pm

I wonder if it is the same problem as described here?

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Post by andyb » Sat Dec 02, 2006 3:29 pm

Can you give us the specs for the whole PC, and tell us how the PSu is connected to the graphics card if it is at all.???

Also are you able to put the graphics card in someone elses PC (make sure it can cope with the load).

Buzzing noises are high pitched, high pitched noises are very difficult to track down, they are very often directional, but some have the characteristics of low pitch noises and sound like they are coming from everywhere, which means that it could be ANY comonent and not just the PSU.

More info required.


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Post by hozer2k » Sun Dec 03, 2006 4:53 pm

It seems this may be "coil buzz" or "coil whine" after doing some searching. I dont think it will matter if I list all the components...its just something that can occur and is relatively random. I was thinking of giving the enermax liberty 400W a shot and see if I have some luck with that.

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Post by UK-Bob » Sun Dec 03, 2006 5:06 pm

Not done any research on this recently, but yes hozer2k your right. Its to do with the resonant frequency in the coil winding that can vibrate when a harmonic is found in the circuit and is dependent on the number of winds in the coil etc... It can be cured by placing a smoothing capacitor in the circuit or loading it so that the resonance stops, and I believe I have mentioned this in another thread somewhere.

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Post by Chocolinx » Mon Dec 04, 2006 6:38 pm

I use to have a buzzing noise come from my S12-500 but it went away after a week or two of running it 24/7. I suppose for some of them there's a break-in period. You should try it.

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Post by hulubei » Tue Dec 05, 2006 8:28 am

UK-Bob wrote:Not done any research on this recently, but yes hozer2k your right. Its to do with the resonant frequency in the coil winding that can vibrate when a harmonic is found in the circuit and is dependent on the number of winds in the coil etc... It can be cured by placing a smoothing capacitor in the circuit or loading it so that the resonance stops, and I believe I have mentioned this in another thread somewhere.
What to do when the PSU buzzes on full-load?

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Post by jaganath » Tue Dec 05, 2006 8:38 am

Send it back (ie RMA).

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