Temperature monitoring without the motherboard?

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Temperature monitoring without the motherboard?

Post by Tyrdium » Sun Jul 04, 2004 10:18 am

Is there an easy (read: really cheap) way that I can find out my CPU's temperature without modifying the cooling or use the built in sensor on my motherboard? Apparently, the sensor in my MSI K8N Neo Platinum has issues with my processor (an Athlon64 3000+, CR stepping). I'd like to monitor the temperatures so I can find out how much I can undervolt my fans (and if I can use the Fanmate for my CPU cooler, a CNPS7000A-AlCu), but I can't really spend more than about 5 or 10 dollars on it. Any suggestions? Or am I just stuck with what I have now until MSI comes out with a BIOS update? I'd rather not use the "try it and see" method, since the Athlon64 doesn't have the overheating shutoff of the Pentiums, if I recall, and I'd rather not fry a $200 processor...

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Post by shathal » Sun Jul 04, 2004 10:24 am

Not really.

Assuming you could stick a temperature diode between your CPU and your HS, you'd be reading the temps of THAT location. And that's not a good place.

Much better to rely on the temp-sensor in the CPU, which is slap-bang in the hottest segment. :)

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Post by Rusty075 » Sun Jul 04, 2004 12:50 pm

You could use something similar to this: "Hoot's AMD Diode Reader". I use one to measure temps accurately on an XP. I would think that an A64 would have similar pin-outs for the diode, but you'll have to do some research to find them. Using an external reader like that is the only way to get accuratle CPU temps, regardless of motherboard.

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Post by Skylined » Sun Jul 04, 2004 12:54 pm

What about something like this?

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Post by silvervarg » Mon Jul 05, 2004 1:56 am

Are you saying that you don't get any reading that is usefull from your CPU or is it just that you want an external reading so you get ridd of board specific issues?

An external probe typically reads slightly less than the CPU, but this is more of a calibration problem. The external probe will also be slower to react to changes, but this might not be a problem for you if you just want to run the system at 100% load for 1 hour+ to design your cooling.

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Post by Tyrdium » Mon Jul 05, 2004 6:32 am

Well, the board specific issue makes it so I can't get a useful reading from my CPU, so... yeah...

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