Old Noctua NH-U12 getting long in the tooth?

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Old Noctua NH-U12 getting long in the tooth?

Post by KayDat » Thu May 20, 2010 12:02 pm

So I bought my trusty NH-U12F some 3 years ago, and it's done a good job, but three years is a long time, and looking at the updated CPU coolers list, I wonder if it's time to get a new cooler? Quoting the NH-U12P review:
The NH-U12P is substantially better than the original U12
So where does that put the U12? I noticed that the U12 doesn't sit anywhere in the Recommended list, even in the Retired list, but the U9 is. Where would the U12 sit in comparison to coolers today?

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Post by MikeC » Fri May 21, 2010 8:07 am

The orig. U12 listing probably just got replaced with the newer listing. But why worry about it if it's working ok for you? (aside: I'm a serious tennis player, have several tennis racquets of a model that's 5 years old, long discontinued, but they don't have any stress fractures and work fine, and I play fine with them, so I never pay any attention to newer models.)

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Post by KayDat » Fri May 21, 2010 11:00 am

Well okay, I wasn't completely honest; these days, I'm finding that the fan has to spin up more, and when under load the temperature rises quickly, as if the cooler can't draw heat away quickly enough. I'm not sure if it's just the contact though; I've knocked the cooler a couple of times by accident, and TBH, I feel the AM2 U12 mount is a little soft, and could be tighter. I'll reapply thermal paste first, and see if it helps.
Otherwise, the tossup is between the CM 212+, or the Xigmatek HDT-S1283. Any opinions on the matter? The Xigmatek might cool better, but the AM2 mount is one directional, right? I can get the Xig for about $10 more than the CM, but it would cost $15 for a custom AM2 mount from nafljh of overclock.net, meaning it would end up costing around $25 more. Worth it?
It's a little depressing that a budget CM cooler might outperform the U12, but 'eh, that's progress I guess.

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Post by Wibla » Fri May 21, 2010 11:19 am

Clean/vacuum the heatsink, and the air intake to the case etc.

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Post by KayDat » Fri May 21, 2010 11:31 am

Computer's clean, I transplanted my computer to a new case recently, which is why I've isolated the cause to either the mounting or aging HS design (maybe the baseplate is too thick?). I use fan filters anyway, so my computer is pretty much always dust free.

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Post by MikeC » Fri May 21, 2010 11:55 am

If you suspect the clip is worn and not providing enough tension, you might contact Noctua and see if they'll send you a new one -- perhaps the updated ones fit yours? Their basic HS design did not change much, you know, and the mounting systems are generally backward-compatible.

Of course, if you're just itching to get a new HS, don't let any of these comments stop your consumer urge -- you're being a good citizen of the world by spending $, right?

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Post by KayDat » Sat May 22, 2010 3:25 pm

Turns out it was a problem with mounting...but nothing wrong with the mounts.
Upon removing my cooler for thermal paste reapplication, I decided to remove the mount brackets, to see if there was a way to make the mounting tighter. And I saw the black screws, and thought "hm...they look a bit worn out...", as some of the paint had come off. Then I had a lightning bolt moment; quickly flipping through the manual, my fears were confirmed: I had reused the K8 mounting screws (long black screws) when I transplanted the cooler from my old system, instead of using the proper AM2 screws (medium silver screws). Face palm moment. After remounting with the proper screws, temperatures have plumetted 20-30C. Crazy :shock:
I guess I don't need a new cooler, huh? I'm glad I decided to reapply the thermal paste now. =]

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