PChips M811 motherboard CPU temp bouncing

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PChips M811 motherboard CPU temp bouncing

Post by dvasco » Mon May 16, 2005 8:02 pm

Hello, can anyone help on why the motherboard temp will report as 60 degrees one second then 21 degress the next? Can the CPU temp really change that fast? Is there a problem with the motherboard? I have an Athlon 1700+ and a Nexus AXP-3200 heatsink. No case fan. Seasonic SuperTornado SS-300FB 12cm PSU. The CPU will sometimes report a low temp even with CPUburn running. It will also report an extremely high temp when at idle with an ambient temp of 26 C.

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Re: PChips M811 motherboard CPU temp bouncing

Post by sundevil_1997 » Tue May 17, 2005 1:32 pm

dvasco wrote:Hello, can anyone help on why the motherboard temp will report as 60 degrees one second then 21 degress the next? Can the CPU temp really change that fast? Is there a problem with the motherboard? I have an Athlon 1700+ and a Nexus AXP-3200 heatsink. No case fan. Seasonic SuperTornado SS-300FB 12cm PSU. The CPU will sometimes report a low temp even with CPUburn running. It will also report an extremely high temp when at idle with an ambient temp of 26 C.
What are you using to measure this temp? MBM? Speedfan? BIOS Hardware Control? Your own external sensor?

Speedfan often gives me "extra" temperatures that I know are erroneous. -2 C?? So I just omit them from view.

I check the temps in the BIOS on bootup so I know what to look for once Windows has finally booted up. That's about as "idle" as you're going to get....and if the temp is jumping around in the BIOS, then that's a bad thing, I believe.

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Post by dvasco » Tue May 17, 2005 2:46 pm

MBM, Speedfan, and Sandra.

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Post by sundevil_1997 » Tue May 17, 2005 3:10 pm

dvasco wrote:MBM, Speedfan, and Sandra.
And all of them show this jumping? That's interesting. The only thing left I'd recommend is watching the temp in the BIOS screen and see if it does it there too. If it does, then perhaps trying to upgrade your bios to the latest, or simply flash it again if it is the latest.

In answer to your original question, those jumps don't seem normal, nor the high readings at idle. (Of course, "idle" is relative, but I'm assuming you mean the CPU percentage is below 10%).

I have an Athlon XP 1800+, and when I go from idle to CPUBurn, then I'll see it jump maybe 5-10 degrees at most initially (depends on the frequency of the temperature polling), then more incrementally up. But jumping from 60 to 21 in the span of less than even 5 seconds is very suspect.

If the BIOS is also screwed up in this, then I guess you're without a reliable motherboard-based temperature reading. Are there other temps your system is reporting (MB, HD, etc?) and are they more believeable?

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Post by dvasco » Fri Jun 03, 2005 10:57 am

I had been busy with a lot and hadn't wanted to reboot the computer to BIOS again and again. However after finally having time I ran CPUburn in which 2 temperature readings increased. One temperature reading which I had always thought was the CPU and another which turns out to be the CPU. Without using CPUburn to get the CPU hot and then going to BIOS I would never have figured which temp was for the CPU. Fortunately with the setup I now have the CPU idles at 44 C with ambient 25 C.

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